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Peace Heaven

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

A Journey with Jacko........

Here yea here yea!!! Dum ba la bump bump dum ba!!!!

Introducing..... The one and only...JackoChewer!!!!
Well , there's just so much things to say about the young fellow that I don't think I have enough time to review them all in one shot!!! So I guess I'll slowly let out bits by bits of this boy in time.
Few days ago , I was lepaking around the student lounge spending time thinking of how to kill my time all until evening for my next class :P There was this big fuss about "Woi!!! See my Block!!! See my Block!!! I just updated it yesterday using 2 and a half hours!!!" "Whoa.... I have 1222 people log in my block already!!!" I was telling myself... "What is this Block wei?!" "Why? People got bored of playing Ragnarok Online , Gunbound , Friendster ah? And now everyone is making their own Block ah?!!!"
It was until today , when I was busy creating a online friend quiz on my friend, Kuan's laptop, and all of a sudden 2 loud voices came banging us giving both of us a slight vibration from a far "Oi!!! Let me go in my Block!!!! I wanna see my Block!!!" Only I got to know the Block that I'm always refering to is actually BLOG.... LoL XD
Well , I wasn't quite attracted to the Blog at first , to me its just another lame forum that people spend their time with.... But as I begin to further... This may be a place I could express myself more.... Designing my own website.... Allowing others to come in and appreciate of even give opinions.... I told myself , "Hey, why not give it a try?" The longer I spend time to think about it , the more inspired I got :P hahaha....
So here am I !!!! Proudly presenting you my first ever Post!!!! Though I doubt nothing much of a discussion for this one since its just an intro about how I started this... But feel free to give ur welcome notes and stuffs here.... Hope that lots and lots more people will add me soon :)


At 10:58 PM, Blogger Kuan said...

hey man, i know *exactly how you felt, being inspired and stuff. I actually being inspired by Jimmy. You should check out his blog, elaine do inspired me too, hehe. Keep updating, it is a good place to express yourself! ;)


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